Well, 41. I never pictured myself here. I could see myself as a young mother with toddlers and small children. I could see myself retired and perhaps on a mission. For some reason I never really thought about what I would be like in the middle. It feels good. So I wanted to take some time and figure out who is this person I am now and enjoy it. I feel a little silly writing about myself so I'll just make a list, it is easier and more comfortable.
-I am a wife
-and mother of 5
-happy to be a "Stay at Home Mom"
-wish I could stay at home more!
-Love the gospel.
-Love our family motto "No Empy Chairs" It holds lots of meaning for us. ask me about it and I'll be happy to share
-Love that there is a priesthood holder in my home!
-Love that he uses it for me and others.
-Always get answers to my prayers. wish I always liked the answers
-love to read
-started a book club (it's in it's 3rd year now)
-love to cook but hate to do dishes
-love it when a new recipe works out and tastes great too!
-try to keep my house and family organized and efficient
-Enjoy setting a timer to help me get my work done (I'd rather do someting fun but cant enjoy it until the work is done)
-one of the best compliments I have received from a friend..."Your house always smells like bread!" (just wish it were true)
-best compliment from my kids..."Wow Mom! You're smart!"...thank you for noticing
-best compliment from my husband..."You did a good job."...ahhh, the satisfaction
-Young Women's leader (have been for most of my adult life)
-Love teenage girls- quirks and all
-I am my kids biggest fan
-try not to be the loud parent in the bleachers(it still happens sometimes)
-get annoyed with other drivers
-my kids remind me that other drivers cant hear me when I tell them how to drive!
-becoming more patient with those drivers (it's an effort)
-enjoy reading blogs of other people especially other moms who keep it real and have great craft/home/photography ideas
-tried to get into scrapbooking-hated it. too much stuff and equipment- Started a blog instead
-learning how to upholstery -I will probably never do it again after this first project (pictures to follow)
-learning photography- having a blast! Thanks John, for the perfect birthday gift!
-Love a nap on Sunday afternoon.
-Love that my kids are building a special relationship with their Grammy. Not everyone has the opportunity to have a grandparent live with them.
-Voluteer with the Office of Emergency Management-I've seen a lot of things I hope to never see again
and seen some miracles happen and love the energy that happens when people work together
-wore a BYU football tshirt at Walmart and was treated rudely
-Love to be super nice to rude people just to watch them squirm!
-Enjoy a good game of Settlers of Catan. (especially if i win!)
-I am not a good sport. I am getting better (another effort)
-Talking about Personal Progress makes me smile
-a list maker. I love to cross things off as I complete them. (confession- I even add things to my list just so I can cross it off too!-pathetic!)
-Love it when my kids sit on my lap - even when my legs fall asleelp
-have great friends. They are all different, all beautiful, all talented, smart and fun. And they are all real!
-find mistakes in my bank account almost every time I reconcile! it's getting better, yes, another effort
-would rather not roncile my bank accounts. John is better at it anyway. but I know it is important! bleh!
-Love the variety of bird song outside my bedroom window in the morning.
-looking forward to building our house. Not looking forward to the work. Looking forward to having it done.
-Want to make our home a farm home.
-Farm home = good feelings, good food, self sustaining, work and fun. It's a lofty goal but I believe attainalbe
-Feel enormous satisfaction when completing very small goals! most especially when they add up to a big one
-cant stand it when people eat while talking on the phone. Had a friend who talked to me while on the toilet. I hung up the first time I heard her flush, then I got used to it and now it just makes me laugh!
-teach piano lessons after school. I love it. (just dont like the "donkey song" I am sick of it!
-love it that my husband always calls me during his lunch break
-My comfort food...definately Mexican!
-Family, it's what I do.
-LDS Woman. It's who I am.